Our Impact
Our Vision
We create high quality products to raise awareness for Cerebral Palsy. We understand that CP affects more than just the person with the diagnosis but their friends, family, and loved ones too. It is for this reason we drive to raise awareness for Cerebral Palsy and create a community of understanding and inclusion. We would like to see a world that doesn’t see the disability first but instead sees the person behind the limitations. To see a world that understands that just because we are disabled doesn’t mean we don’t have thoughts, hopes, dreams, and feelings just like everyone else. We envision a world more accepting of this point… a world that sees the person before they see the disability
Our Values
We stand by our values we believe in fairness, honesty, and the power of inclusion. We value supporting our disabled community in any way we can so we are able to strive for a better tomorrow for the entire Cerebral Palsy community. Making the world a better and more understanding place is our goal. We stand by our ideals and values of making the world more inclusive by promoting inclusivity and awareness with every purchase.
Helping The Community
We are still a fairly new company and resource within the Cerebral Palsy community but as our reach expands we intend to make regular donations to creditable Cerebral Palsy organizations in an effort to expand on our core beliefs and make the world a better and more inclusive place for people not only with Cerebral Palsy but all disabilities. Eventually your purchases could help to make this dream a reality. We strive to help the people in our community see the person before the disability
Making A Difference
We strive to make a difference in our community. We do our part to improve the topic of conversation and bring further awareness to Cerebral Palsy. Not only do we raise awareness in the Cerebral Palsy community but bring further support to that community too. Bringing support and raising awareness is the best way we know to make a difference